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Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Caring Dog Fur

If your dog is clean, fragrant, and well maintained we must also pleased. So to get that we must sacrifice to clean it with a routine and regular.
Fine Hairy Dog (Smooth Coat)Example: Chihuahua
Type this smooth-haired dog, quite easy to maintain to keep it clean and beautiful. These types of dog fur should be brushed regularly to lift bulu2 the feathers fall out and then use the brush. (Bristle brush), on the whole body of the dog. After that, you can use a chamois leather to give the impression of shiny on dog hair,
Hairy Dog Long (Long Coat)Example: Shih Tzu
Breed of dog has long fur on the outside, but it has a thick fur and the inside soft and easily tangled. For that, this dog, fur should be treated every day, and should be routine to a dog grooming salon. If the dog this type of hair loss, easier to handle, because hair loss is directly clot-shaped balls of fur. You can use the slicker to spruce up the inside of a matted fur, but do not be too rough to handle, for healthy hair should not come unplugged.
Hairy Dog Rough (Wiry Coat)Example: Schnauzer
To handle and care of this dog, you need professional help (Grooming Salon). You can ask for instructions on how to treat this type of dog fur. Because you have to do the stripping, which is pulling out hairs that fall out, by hand, or a stripping knife. These types of dog fur requires treatment every day, using the pin brush, so that his fur was not matted.
Hairy Dog Curly (Curly Coat)Examples: Poodle
Feathers of this type of anti-water (waterproof) and do not easily fall out. Every two months, otherwise this type of dog to be bathed and clipped his fur neat, and also comb every day.

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