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Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Green Iguana Care

Green Iguana Names Latin Name Iguana iguana
Native country Central America and southern parts of Central and South America. Iguanas are imported mostly from Columbus, El Salvador, Honduras, Peru, Mexico and Suriname.
Size: adult iguana can reach 1.8 meters.
Age: If the pet could well reach the age of 20 years.
Note: Many people think that the iguana is an animal for the beginner in breeding reptiles, but in fact it is the wrong thing. Iguana requires serious treatment that is usually beyond the ability of beginners. This is due to the lack of information and knowledge that led to Iguana die before adulthood. In maintaining the Iguana, must pay attention to the cage and the food.
General Appearance: Iguana is the animal most commonly known as Lizard. Iguana has five fingers on each foot, has a "cockscomb". All types of iguana has a thorn in Within the spine. In contrast to the known society that color is green iguanas, all juveniles have green color, but once they mature, turn into brown color of the body tends to orange with a line on the tail.
Enclosure: 2.5 - 3.6 M length x 1.2 - 1.5 wide x 1.8 m height. Drinking places should be provided in the cage. 
climbing or tree branches to also be provided in the cage.
Temperature: Iguanas come from tropical and temperate places need a warm place, a good temperature is 26 C s / d 29 C, sundeck 32 C to 35 C. should be in cages in pairs Thermometer to monitor temperature conditions.
Heat and Lighting: good UV rays to keep the metabolism and bone growth at the Iguana, Iguana Without UV rays will easily hurt and can cause death.
Alas: Iguanas often uses his tongue to
identify an object made from the base of wood shavings can not be used because it will cause swallowing objects. Paper can be used as a base newspaper or waste paper, can also be used a type of carpet or rubber can also be used
Humidity: Humidity is preferred is 65% - 75%. can be used in irrigating the user or can also be sprayed twice a day to maintain humidity.
Diet: Iguana is a plant-eating animals. Better to provide food from a material made from
plant consisting of 40-45% greenery (collard, turnip, mustard, dandelion, and Cress), then 40-45% are vegetables (green beans, butternut, snap and / or peas, asparagus, okra, alfalfa (which is not mature shoots), Onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, sweet potato, zucchini, yellow squash and carrot). 50-10% is (Blackberry, strawberry, raspberry, grapes, Mango, melon, papaya, banana and apple.) Is not recommended to give food from wild plants because it can cause disease iguana.
Maintenance: Keep the cage clean, the base and the cage can be cleaned with bleach mixed with water
as much as 5%, then doused with water to rest bleacher lost, and do not poison the Iguana. Always wash before and after handling iguanas and / or instruments.

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