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Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Handling cat feces

Cat feces in the form of liquid manure (urine) and solid feces (stool) must be handled properly to avoid spreading the disease and no odor. To overcome this problem, many materials can be found on the market to place and media to cat pee.

We used to use a zeolite (mineral rock greenish) because it is very good to absorb urine and odors, and other advantages can be reused. In the market zeolite is used for water purification equipment, but because many who use it for a pet, it can easily be obtained at the pet shop.
Zeolite is used in small-sized pebbles, so no great shape and also not in the form of sand. Zeolite is quite small pebbles filled into a plastic box, about as high as one / two hand knuckles.

At least twice a day, dirt taken from its place and put into a plastic container that has a lid. This Decision should not be delayed, so the cat does not trample on solid dirt.
Every day, a plastic box and zeolite must be replaced with new ones. So always ready reserve a plastic box, so that when one was washed, then one more plastic box can be used immediately.

As mentioned above, that the zeolite can be used again, how:

1. Wash the zeolite while stirred with water flow.
2. Do this several times until the color of the water becomes clear.
3. Soak it in water zeolite bleach clothing. If zeolite is washed approximately half a plastic box until a plastic box, then bleach the necessary clothing as much as 1 / 2 - 1 cap bottles. Stir well and let stand for 30-60 minutes. (Remember: pour water on the zeolite until the zeolite is immersed in water, just enter the liquid bleach clothing. Do not let the gas out of the reaction products inhaled or exposed to your eyes)
4. Rinse the zeolite with water.
5. Pour and spread them evenly on a sheet of plastic or the like
6. Basking in the sun, while turned upside down every few hours to dry.

After we perform these activities, what about the dirt that were previously collected in order not to pollute the environment around us? To overcome this, we make such a simple little toilet with lid (for no rain), which is next to a septic tank house, so all the dirt will go into septic tanks.
So do not get trashed, ditches, rivers, or the environment around us ok!

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